Review TED talk Greeta Thunberg

  Greeta Thunberg is a young activist who recently made a TED talk explaining her preoccupation towards global warming issues. Her talk became globally popular because of her determination.
  Greeta uses her image as a way of shocking the audience. she is a young girl, she should be playing, at school or with friends; however, she has to be protesting about the environment because it seems nobody else cares. Moreover, she appears with plain cleçothes and a messy, ginger hair with braids: although this image contributes in showing her as young and innocent, her speech is strong, powerful and aware. As a result, the audience listens carefully.
  Her speech focuses on her point of view and it is very direct. She uses powerful phrases so as to persuade the audience. She is not very articulate, so the attention goes directly to what she is arguing. In spite of her age, she is very coherent and fluent.
  In my opinion, this TED talk is excellent and I profoundly recommend it. It is very important for authorities to watch her, and making them aware of what is going on in the world.



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