
Mostrando entradas de mayo, 2015

Review: Supernatural

The ''Supernatural'' Tv series is about two brothers who fight against the evil. There are devils, deaths, demons, and more SUPERNATURAL things. The characters are really good and in the different seasons more characters appear. I really reccomend it.

''la tierra no pertenece al hombre; es el hombre el que pertenece a la tierra''.

   La relación que creo que tiene es como se aprecia todo para ellos y se desaprecia para nosotros. Como en un momento se habla del aire. También hablo del equilibrio ecológico y la acción del hombre, donde se hace el impacto ambiental. Yo creo que nos trata de advertir de algo, como cuando en un momento dice ''te vas a ahogar en basura'', ya que nadie cuida el medio ambiente. Pero el quiere y exige que ese lugar sea cuidado, ya que el sabe que si no lo entrega, lo van a atacar.    Yo creo que es hermoso. Me encanta como aprecia todo lo que tiene cuando en realidad es alguien que muy poco tiene. Me gusto la frase ''Termino la vida, empieza la supervivencia'' Creo que lo que quiere decir es que va a dar las tierras al hombre blanco y a prepararse para lo que venga. '' Este destino es un misterio para nosotros, pues no comprendemos el que los búfalos sean exterminados, los caballos bravíos sean todos domados, los rincones secretos del bo...

The story of my life (Anne Frank)

Luna Rosenman Cordeu ‘’Let’s start with the story of my life’’. I’m Derek Hill and I’m 15 years old. This new diary was given to me last year by my parent before they died. They were very ill, very ill. This diary was going to be given to me when I was 17, but they decided to give it to me before I was very sad to write in it,but I know they would like me to write it. Well, now I live with my sister Aurora and my female dog Main. These times are being difficult. All that machines are changing everything. Six day per week Igo to work and to fix machines. We don’t have much money but we are okay. In my free time, I play basketball with my friends Tomas, Rocko and Lucas. Tomorrow it’s my birthday and the CRUEL guys of the factory gave me the day off! I don’t know why, they are EVIL. So much that one day they made a bad joke, they forced me to stay in the streets for 1 hour naked like a MAD person. I was very ASHAMED and I promise I will NEVER forgives them and I was going to be WILD. I ...

JOURNAL: the wife (''the black cat'').

 It was a day like every boring day, my husband was hanging the cat with his hand, I was ashamed, I feel that he became mad and wild with everyone. Suddenly he starter shouting and he took Pluto's eye. I didn't know what to do, I was very frightened.