
Mostrando entradas de 2017


La poesía vanguardista

La poesía vanguardista o vanguardia es una generación de artistas que irrumpe con nuevas formas temáticas que cuestionan la tradición estética predominante. Se incorporaron nuevos temas y se empezaron a asociar más los sonidos, los sin sentidos y su multiplicidad que sus significados. Además se crearon términos y combinación de palabras nuevas. Se rechazó la razón y la lógica y se empezó a contar con la perspectiva subjetiva del mundo. Por último se hicieron nuevas formas de disposición de los versos. Para el último trimestre de Lengua trabajamos con la poesía vanguardista, y para cerrar el año hicimos 4 poemas con tencnicas de vanguardia. Primer poema: Fue un caligrama individual; un caligrama es explorar las cualidades visuales de un poema y en base a eso hacer una composición poética donde los versos se juntan para formar una figura. Mi poema se basó sobre diferenciar, y los anteojos son una representación de esa palabra. Diferenciar lo inventado de lo real, el sueño de...

Final Project

For the final proyect of the Drama class, me and my group (Denise, Agustina, Sofia, and Lourdes) produced a play of physical theatre. In this play, all you can see are shadows, so the actors can´t talk, and you can't see their faces, that's why we had to express what the character was feeling and making by body gestures.  We use the following physical theatre techniques: Mime, Gesture, Status, Proximity, Harshness and Tenderness, Movement, Not Moving, Dance Work. Shadow kiss

Arte durante el año

La siguiente presentación es sobre el proyecto de arte sobre todo el año  

Presentación final Fahrenheit 451

El segundo trimestre de Lengua nos focalizamos en el libro Fahrenheit 451, Escrito por Ray Bradbury en el año 1953. El libro esta basado en un tiempo futurista, donde los bomberos en vez de apagar incendios los provocan. Queman las casas de la gente que tiene libros, ya que estan prohibidos. Esta es la historia de Montag, un hombre que trabaja como bombero. El tenia una vida normal hasta que conoce a Clarisse, una joven que lo hace cuestionar sus posturas. Está narrado de forma externa con focalización interna. Para nuetro proyecto primero nos separaron en grupos de 4 personas y se le asignó a cada uno un personaje, en nuestro caso Clarisse. Luego tuvimos que hacer diferentes actividades basadas en ese personaje. La primera actividad fue hacer un póster para introducir a nuestro personaje y su historia, nosotros lo hicimos en Infogram Blackbird de Sofi Martin Luego, escribimos una serie de núcleos narrativos, con las partes mas importantes del libro en la que aparece tu per...

Hasta los huesos

En la clase de biología diseccionamos un hueso, y luego en grupos hicimos una presentación usando thinglink  para explicar sus partes     

Themes ''A view from the bridge''

Here it's my video made by Tellagami, explaining 3 themes about ''A view from the bridge''  

Games at twilight storyboard

For the Literature class we had to make a Storyboard based on the most important quotations of "Games at twilight", here it's mine Made with Storyboard That

Games at twilight

Travail a L' Englise San Gabriel

Galeria del Sistema Nervioso

A continuación veremos una presentación de los órganos y el sistema nervioso que incluye: el sistema nervioso central y periférico, y cada una de sus partes, las neuronas y la sustancia gris y blanca.

1 miute talk

For the ELT class, each person had to make a ''1 minute talk'', talking about the school; here it's mine

Exchange program

In pairs we had to make dialogue about an Exchange Program for the ELT speking class. I've done it with Sofia Martin.

Cerebros analizando cerebros

  En la clase de Biologia tuvimos que analizar, reconocer y describir las estructuras macroscópicas de un encéfalo de vaca y por analogía el del hombre, siguiendo paso a paso un trabajo practico ; aca esta mi trabajo: Cara dorsal: - Color rosado  - Consistencia blanda - Elevaciones y depresiones irregulares (circunvoluciones cerebrales) Médula espinal Cara ventral: Anatomía interna: Separamos suavemente los hemisferios cerebrales y exploramos la cavidad de cada hemisferio. Luego en uno de los hemisferios, realizamos un corte antero-posterior horizontal y observamos la disposición de la sustancia gris y blanca:

Ma présentation personnelle


Dear David,   There was no problem for me or my family because of your stay. They even had a great time too!   I'm already missing you. Next time you could stay a bit longer so we could go to more places.   My family loved meeting you too and they send regards. Yes please, I would be delighted if you sent me those photos. My family would also be pleased to have them, especially the ones we took on Friday.   Thanks for the invitation, I would really like visiting you in the future, maybe in a couple of months. You will show me those places you were always talking about and we could go to that restaurant with the best pasta of the city. I really like pasta! See you soon, Luna


In the class of Language FCE Language Practice we have to make an essay expressing if it was okay from young people learning from older people or if the younger people should leave their own experiences Essay   Can younger people learn about life from older people? Or is it not true? In this essay, it will be discussed if this is real or just a myth.   It is real that an older person has more experience tha a young one, and generally this makes the older person wiser. The older person is always trying to give advice, maybe because he/she doesn't want a younger individual to make the same mistakes. The problem is trying to follow these pieces of advice sometimes makes younger people not living things that may be important.   In my opinion it is half true that young people can learn from the old. Occasionally it's good to listen to an old person giving advice, but younger people have to learn about life on their own.


In the Languaje class, with Andrea Shester, we wrote a story, that must include an animal and a surprise. It had to include examples of the following too: Simple past - Past Continuous Past Continuous - Past continuous Past perfect Connectors Direct speech ''I´m alone, I will be forever alone'' He said; and I said he, because he had not name. Where he lived, everything was neglected dirty. When a film is sad,the colors are greyer than when it is a nice movie, where everything is colorful. He, a beautiful but dirty dog, lived  in a dog pound since always. There, everything seemed depressed; and you could even listen to the disconsolateness everywhere like when the old iron bars were being opened because another dog was going to be sacrificated. But everything changed one day, an extraordinary day. The door opened and a man entered. He was talking with the guard while he was walking. He (the dog) didn´t know why, but when the man was looking at him, he ...

Adolf Hitler

For the History class, we had to make a mindmap about Adolf Hitler

Tabla periódica

Esta es una infografía sobre los diferentes grupos y familias de la tabla periódica  

Copy left

Estuvimos trabajando sobre copy-left en Creative Commons. Esta foto tiene derechos copy-left Gentileza de Irene Kurol delde Flickr.com

Germany after the first world war

In the history class we had to make a timeline about Germany after the first world war

Musical theatre

first classes

UNEXPECTED In the class of FCE Writing Practice we had to write a story, and it had to start with the phrase included in the story below: "This is my second opportunity to save you" thought Sam  "When he found his seat on the plane, Sam recognized the person who  was sitting  in the seat next to him." she was the girl he  had always loved , Rose.   For that reason , he could never rise after the incident, until he was given this opportunity. He  was  a time traveler  sent  from the future to stop a nuclear bomb on the plane to prevent the Third World War. He was very  pleased  to see her  gorgeous  smile again.  However , he didn´t forget his mission; he had to find the terrorist to stop him from pressing the bomb control. he had been given a truth detector  besides  a  fake  police sign.  Therefore , he  started making   dissimulated  questions to discard suspects. ...

Primeras clases de matemática

-En las primeras clases de matemática del año tuvimos los siguientes ejercicios a resolver: Dados 2 puntos fijos A y B buscaremos todos los lugares donde podamos ubicar un 3er punto C, de tal forma que: 1)  ABC sea un triángulo 2) ABC sea un triángulo equilátero 3) ABC sea un triángulo rectángulo     a- con ángulo recto en A     b- con ángulo recto en B     c- con ángulo recto en C 4) ABC sea un triángulo isósceles    a- c on AB=AC    b- con AB=AC    c- con AC=AB 5) Sabiendo ahora que A y B están a 7cm de distancia, encontrá el  lugar de los puntos C para que el área del triángulo ABC sea 14cm -Luego de resolverlos en  la carpeta se nos pidió que pasemos los ejercicios a "Geogebra", este fue mi resultado: 1) 2)  3) a- b-  c-  4) a-  b-  c-  5)