Uses of fresh water
First, we saw a video about how different people are affected by the availability of water in different regions. Here is my feedbackabot that
After that, I made a prezi
The video vividly portrays a comparison between the living conditions on water poor and water rich countries. In the water rich country a boy wakes up and after breakfast, he fills his bottle; it can be seen how easily he can access to it, by just pressing a button. However, in the second video, after breakfast a girl fills her bottle in a lake; she can not even obtain water from her house. All along the video, the water poor country is seen as dirty and careless. The girl carries her bottle with filthy and brownish water all along her way. Finally the boy secretly exchanges the bottles and leaves her with the clean water; happily, she drinks it.
I think this is a very powerful video since it shows a reality that seems unreal; I mean, in my life, water is usually used and it seems so natural, but unfortunately it’s not like that for everyone.
After that, I made a prezi
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