A View from the Bridge, Alfieri and Beatrice

Here are two infograms about Alfieri and Beatrice from 'A View from the Bridge'. Each of them contains an explanation and 3 quotes

MADE WITH: piktochart


  1. Luna,
    The choice of quotes in the case of Beatrice is very good. But when you say: "she is not always in agreement with him; this shows her blind loyalty over him" you're making a contradiction: if she is capable of disagreeing with him, then she isn't blind at all. She is loyal, but not blindly.
    Your personal response is missing in her case.
    Your approach to Alfieri is very interesting since you suggest he may be to blame for what happened to Eddie. That might explain Alfieri's own feelings of powerlessness and duty towards Eddie.
    Good work.
    Mark: 9


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